The Lost Theism

From the very beginning, only theists lived in the world, that is, people who believed in one God - a mysterious being, the creator and sustainer of the entire earth and the creatures living on it. The word “theism” comes from Greek and means: belief in a personal creator God who influences the world from outside and inside.
This God is to be discovered, recognized and positioned through both a logical and biblical mind. No matter which area of ​​the creature one pays attention to, it is absurd and not at all acceptable from logical thought alone that everything should have arisen on its own. A reference to creative changes through manipulation - cloning - is not evidence against the Creator and his creation. If the structure of matter had not been created from the beginning and remained that way, cloning would not be possible.

In later times, other gods were gradually invented and added to this one god. A whole pantheon of gods emerged - in Greek: poletheism. This thought came from the clergy's greed for wealth. Because the more gods, the more money flowed into the churches' coffers.
At some point the impoverished people became fed up with the exploitation by the clergy. Since over time hardly anyone believed in God any more, people came up with a new culture of life, an antithesis to theism - atheism, which completely denies or denies the existence of any god.

Human imagination doesn’t end there. Recently, a completely new direction of faith has emerged. One that previously would not have occurred to even the greatest imagination. It sounds so absurd that you think the followers “don’t have it all!” It is called post-theism. In this faith culture, Satan's earlier plan has been fulfilled.

So what is this post-theism?
A concrete example provides the answer: A certain pastor gives sermons, conducts baptisms, weddings and funerals, teaches Bible stories in schools, gives blessings, etc. And? And doesn't believe in any God. Finally she explains that this God is everyone himself.

Satan, the former Lucifer - the majestic light-bearer - said the same thing to the first humans: "But God knows that in the day that you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, and you will know what There is good and there is evil!” (Genesis 1:3,5)

A cheeky arrogance can already be observed in some small children. The same in all other age groups, both on the street, in marriage and family, as well as in some bullying at work, etc. It is particularly bad in churches or communities where the individual's faith is pushed and forced by whoever has the say there, with violence, even to the death.

It is shocking what the immediate inspiration for post-theism was. In a church devotional calendar, the writer warns of fundamental errors that lie in the Bible and must be removed. Not errors in translation, but in godly teaching. The case of the miracle at the Pool of Bethesda is given as an example. It was not supposed to have been moved by an angel, but rather by the current of a spring that occasionally bubbled up from the bottom of the pond. To reinforce this, he quotes the biblical verse: “Prove everything and keep what is good” (1 Timothy 5,21:XNUMX).

In the context of this text it says: Check the Bible and if you think something is wrong there, simply delete it. He enlists the help of scientists to assess the matter. Such a call is like character assassination of the Bible; a character assassination against the Word of God - the Holy Scripture.

In all of the above groups, both the persisters and the liberals can be found. All in all – a big commotion on earth! Due to this situation, many great wars, persecutions, hunts and martyrdoms have arisen with an enormous amount of suffering, tribulation and poverty. In all of this, the truth of God is gradually being lost more and more!

This tremendous chaos in recent world history is also an important and pleasing indication of the times ahead. It is hard to believe that this evil situation can continue for much longer. The return of the Lord Jesus can therefore not be far away! So this terrible state of the world is sad on the one hand, but at the same time gratifying, because the bad and evil in the world is quickly coming to an end.

This sad and at the same time joyful message is coupled with a third message. A message that is about life and death. “In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God will be finished, as he declared to his servants the prophets.” (Revelation 10,7:XNUMX/Greek.)

“The mystery that has been hidden from the ages and generations, but has now been revealed to his saints. God wanted to show them the riches of the glory of this mystery among the nations, and that is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1,26.27:XNUMX, XNUMX)

Shortly before the sound of this seventh trumpet here, the grace period of the gospel finally comes to an end! God will not tolerate and cover up crime on earth indefinitely. In His great love, He will close the door of mercy forever during this time - otherwise the suffering would never end!

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